mi drop for pc.at this time lot of people are using xiomi device. mi to mi file transferring by mi drop so easily better than share it or xender. mi drop for pc is now available.now not the only phone to phone pc also transferring file using this tricks which call mi drop for pc.

don’t worry, you don’t need any software on your pc.mi drop for pc so easy and simple just some step follow with me.

every time we don’t have the data cable to transferring a file from phone to pc or pc to phone. that time this mi drop tricks working smoothly.

we are told 2 different methods

both are wireless FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP) 

first, start with ……


download mi drop click here, click here
We have to open an app called mi drop it is available on all the show me to by this running on MIUI 9.

after opening this app, click on the top right corner 3 dots. then you can a list are visible, click on top of the list “connect to computer”. 

when you click to make sure before click connects with a wifi network if you not connect then you see like same of thing on your screen, which is i given below you can also add wifi now. 

just open your recent short menu and connect any wifi. that wifi also with your pc.

after connecting wifi network you can see a folder address, which address start with ftp:// and some number. now you need only this  address to connect with pc

now go to pc. open my computer or file explorer then click on the address bar type that address. and click enter then you can see all phone’s file and folder and you also access this folder or file.you will delete copy paste every thing you can do now.

In that does but you could  you got it as it is often doing the same with this unit to be gone and that on PC you can access all the fines all feel right now we can transfer the files from more violence and more like a PC it’s easy you know you don’t need any cables their plans for the fight. 

That’s it guys in this they can transfer the files from your PC to mobile
our first step is complete mi drop for pc.

let’s start second

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